Course Syllabus

Energy Systems Syllabus.doc

Energy Systems Research
TJHSST 2006-2007
Mr. Kemp – Room 119

Course Description:
In the Energy Systems Laboratory students apply the knowledge, problem-solving skills and project management skills acquired during their previous three years. Students may pursue projects of interest in a wide range of engineering disciplines, such as heat transfer, fluid dynamics, direct and indirect energy conversion, and mechanical systems. The laboratory accommodates both individual and team projects requiring specific knowledge in such diversified subjects as design, materials, testing, computer interfacing and planning.

Notebook, paper, pencil, pen, graphing calculator, ruler and USB flash drive (128MB minimum recommended).

Policies and Procedures

“Be Kind!” “Do the right thing!”

Due to the lab nature of this course, attendance is extremely important as much of our work will be done in class using classroom equipment. Readings and research projects will be frequently assigned. Students should expect to be evaluated on any material they are given to read. Graded homework must be turned in prior to, or on, the due date. Late work will receive a maximum of 50 percent credit.

A journal will be kept by each student documenting the years course. The journal will be used to gather ideas and compile information. Weekly checks will be made of the journal making up a large portion of the students final grade.

Design Forums and various seminars will be held throughout the course of the year. Because of the large amount of collaboration that will take place in the lab, these sessions are extremely important to the development and creation of the project. Students are expected to develop presentations and contribute to the discussions held at these meetings.

Tests will be announced well in advance and will usually be worth 100 points. They may include material from previous units in order to maintain a constant review. Tests will mainly be practicum based.

Computers will be used for design work, GIS, CAD, and presentations. Students are not permitted to play games on school computers.

Lab Conduct:
Due to the equipment we use in our labs, and the busy work environment that it creates, horseplay cannot be allowed. Any behavior that jeopardizes either your safety, or that of others, will not be tolerated and will result in a student’s removal from the classroom.

Due to the nature of the lab, students should not wear any attire they do not wish to get dirty. The materials and equipment being used can cause stains or possibly burn holes in clothing if students are not careful. Students will not be permitted into the lab if they are wearing clothing that is above knee length, shoes with open toes/backs, or loose articles (i.e. drawstrings)

Progress Reports:
Progress reports are issued to every student midway through each quarter. Missing assignments will be posted within the class for students to check on completion. Missing work will be marked as a zero grade until made up. Late work (past due date) will receive 50%.

Grades will be recorded as points and converted to percentages and then to letters for the report card grades by dividing the number of points earned by the number of points possible. The letter grade that appears on the report card follows the Fairfax County scale:

100 – 94 A 93 –90 B+ 89 – 84 B 83 – 80 C+
79 – 74 C 73 – 70 D+ 69 – 64 D Below 64 F

The final grade for the course is based on the four quarter grades with each quarter counting 25%. Assignment sheets, class notes, homework assignments, computer and lab sheets, quizzes, tests and this syllabus should be kept in a three-ring binder.

It is your responsibility to get any make-up work or extra help, if needed. All quizzes and tests must be made up within one week.

I expect students to adhere to the dress guideline put forth by Fairfax County Public Schools, the TJ honor code, FCPS attendance policy, Network Use Guidelines, and

I encourage students to help each other understand homework assignments and computer exercises, but if one student has copied another’s work, neither will receive credit for that assignment. If a student cheats on a test or quiz, he or she will receive a 0 for the grade and I will notify their counselor. I strongly encourage students to use a cover sheet during testing situations. If you ever have any questions about appropriate behavior, please do not hesitate to ask.

Classroom Management:
Students need permission to leave the classroom and only one student will be released at a time. No one will be excused to go to the restroom during the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class, or during a lecture. Water is permitted in the classroom. No other food or drink, unless specifically authorized by the teacher. Backpacks/bookbags should be placed in the student’s locker and NOT be brought to the classroom.

Contact Information:
Email ude.spcf|pmeK.madA#ude.spcf|pmeK.madA
Phone 703-750-8300

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